Sunday, 25 October 2015

Opinions and kink

A few weeks ago I maybe foolishly questioned someone who was body shaming and slut shaming women on Twitter. She felt I had no right to say anything as it was nothing to do with me. What followed on from this was then an attack on me how I was vanilla, a wannabe, a fake and that I could only dream of having what she has got. At the time I was pretty pissed off but did my best not to get embroiled in an argument about this but to try to stay on track though this was difficult considering what was being 'said' to me. I also only intervened at that point because I had seen this person do this sort of thing to people quite a few times and I felt that looking the other way is not part of who I am. Anyway, I then became a target for another person who was just spoiling for an argument about how I have no right to say anything about this as it doesn't concern me. I was thinking so who does it concern? Who stands up for people who are being targeted by others because they essentially don't like the fact that these girls are tweeting to her 'Dom'?

As for whether I'm a fake? A wannabe? Vanilla? Jealous of her? I can honestly say no, no, most of the time and no. Do I dream of having a life where I'm treated infantile? No. Do I dream of a life where someone decides what I eat or don't eat? No. Do I dream of a life where I meet my man every couple of weeks to get my bottom spanked? No. Do I dream to be with a Dom that I turned down because he bored me and has asked every sub on Twitter that I know of to be 'his' no I most definitely don't. But I don't judge you or anyone for having that life what I do judge and I have no problem with this is anyone persecuting and slut and body shaming someone who you just don't like for whatever reason.

I have the life I have I enjoy it. I don't need to tweet about it and I definitely have no desire to defend it.

Just getting some thoughts out there

M xx


Love and lust in London said...

I am so very much in agreement with this. Continue being who you want to be Munchy, you're doing a damn fine job of it from where I'm standing.

O x

Munch_Luv said...

Thank you O it's taken a long time to get to this mindset. I'm never letting it go again xx